Q: Is there a minimum age requirement to apply for the zine?
A: You must be 14+ to apply to the HSPRzine.Q: How many participants will be allowed in the project?
A: We will be selecting 40-45 new artists that we find best suited for the zine.Q: Will social media following be a deciding factor in applications?
A: Not at all! Artists are selected based on a cumulative vote between the zine moderators to prevent favoritism. Our decision is based solely on an evaluation of your portfolio.Q: Do I have to have Discord to be a participant?
A: Yes, all participants are expected to join our discord server once accepted. Discord is the zine’s only form of communication and correspondence.Q: Do you have to use the base Homestuck designs or are headcanons encouraged?
A: Absolutely use any headcanons you’d like! The goal of this project is to take the diversity found in Homestuck fanart and apply it to the source material!Q: What is a pinch hitter?
A: Pinch hitters are essentially waitlisted artists on standby in case an artist drops the project. These artists are expected to be able to work well under much shorter time frames.Q: Can I submit NSFW in my application?
A: There is no NSFW in this zine, applications or otherwise. Predominantly NSFW accounts will not be considered in applications, so apply with a SFW account and SFW work.Q: Will the zine be printed out physically?
A: So far, there is no plan to physically print any volume of the zine.
However, if you’d like to financially support the project, you can download the PDF on the zine’s itch.io at any price. All the proceeds go directly to the PCRF (Palestine Children’s Relief Fund).Q: What is the maximum number of panels an artist can redraw?
A: When an artist is first accepted, they will be given a maximum of two panels. If those panels are completed before final pieces are due, the artist can request to do another!Q: Can we choose panels that have already been redrawn in previous volumes?
A: No, this zine is aiming to redraw as many panels from Homestuck as possible. Artists can only choose from panels that have not already been redrawn.